Pollock & Company
What to Look for in a Lawyer?
Hiring a lawyer is essential when you face particular circumstances in your life, such as a personal injury or divorce. When hiring a lawyer for the first time, you may be unsure what to look for and exactly who to hire. Below are a few examples of qualities you should look for, to hire the… Read More
How Much is a Medical Malpractice Case Worth?
When considering the value of a medical malpractice case, there are many factors to consider. There is no special formula used that can provide a definite number of how much you will receive from a medical malpractice lawsuit if you win. Compensation for such a case will be determined based on your injury. If your… Read More
A Word on Pain and Suffering
You may hear a personal injury or medical malpractice lawyer at Pollock & Company talk to you about receiving money for “pain and suffering”. What does this phrase really mean, and how does the personal injury lawyer know how much money should be awarded to you in your lawsuit for pain and suffering? There are… Read More
Is Glass in the Tuna Worth a Million?
As a personal injury lawyer, I often receive inquiries about what I call the “glass in the tuna,” namely, an instance where a person opens a can of food and finds a piece of broken glass or an insect inside. Does finding a piece of glass in the canned tuna mean that the consumer is entitled… Read More
How Much Is a Case Worth?
How much is a case worth? Like so many answers in law, it depends. Damages, or compensation, can be awarded in a settlement, or ordered by a judge if the case goes to trial. Factors in shaping damages vary from case to case. In most situations, it is not possible or realistic for a lawyer… Read More
Check out the Manitoba Courts Website!
There are three levels of courts in Manitoba: Provincial Court, Court of Queen’s Bench (includes Small Claims Court), and Court of Appeal. The Manitoba Courts website is a great resource for answers to common legal questions, offers guides for self-represented persons, and provides background and contact information for each Manitoba court level and locations across… Read More
Examining the Examination for Discovery
You’ve seen it on Perry Mason, Suits, The Good Wife…just about every legal show or movie, particularly of the American variety: a charming, charismatic lawyer questioning a person across a boardroom table, lulling them into a sense of comfort before bombarding them with a combination of witty comments/angry questioning/wild gestures/highly personal and irrelevant statements. While… Read More
The Legalese Bog
As a lawyer, it is so easy to find myself in the legalese bog. What is the legalese bog? It is the written and verbal language used by the legal profession and filled with legal terms such as “examinations for discovery”, “mitigation of damages”, “apportionment of liability”, “pre-trial conferences”, “family property references”, etc., not to mention… Read More
Keep your eye on the (base)ball!
As Canada cheers for the Toronto Blue Jays as they march towards the World Series (I admit that I am a Los Angeles Dodgers fan though), have you ever considered whether or not the fan who gets hit by a foul ball and suffers injury has a claim for damages against the ballpark or the… Read More
Slip and Fall Accidents: Your Checklist
If you are injured in a slip and fall or trip-and-fall accident, here are some suggestions for what you can do before contacting Pollock & Company to discuss your claim: 1. Identify clearly the exact location of the accident, including the street address and location where you slipped and fell. Be specific. Make note of… Read More