A Guide to Medical Malpractice Litigation in Manitoba


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A Guide to Medical Malpractice Litigation in Manitoba


    Initial Free Lawyer Consultation Request

    Meeting with a lawyer for the first time can be intimidating. We offer initial lawyer consultations at Pollock & Company to determine if we are the right firm for your needs. What is an initial consultation? It is: This is your first opportunity to tell a lawyer about your case and your goals. Confidential: Even… Read More

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    Difference between notary public and commissioner of oaths

    You may encounter documents or application instructions that require you to appear before a Commissioner for Oaths or Notary Public in Manitoba. It is important that you make an appointment with the right person before submitting your documents. Let’s figure out who is a notary public and commissioner of oaths. Commissioner for Oaths In Manitoba,… Read More

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    Compensation for Wrongful Death

    Have you experienced the tragedy of losing a family member due to personal injury or medical malpractice? It is impossible to value the loss of a life, but in Manitoba, compensation is available in such circumstances.

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    Beware: Winnipeg Potholes and Your Responsibilities

    Sure signs of spring in Manitoba: patches of green, the expectant smell of renewal in the air, birds returning from their southern sojourn, and roads opening up to swallow you, and whatever mode of transport you are using, whole. Every year, Winnipeg potholes are so dangerous due to the long winter and even longer and… Read More

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    Initial Free Lawyer Consultation Request


    Difference between notary public and commissioner of oaths


    Compensation for Wrongful Death


    Beware: Winnipeg Potholes and Your Responsibilities


    Please note: our office is now located at Suite 301–379 Broadway, Winnipeg. For questions, please call 204.956.0450

    Pollock & Company